Intro to Winter Mountaineering skills - 2 days

Intro to Winter Mountaineering skills - 2 days

Price: £250 pp

Duration: 2 days

Introduction to Scottish winter mountaineering skills 2 day course

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Intro Winter Mountaineering - 5 days
Winter Skills - 5 days
Winter Skills - 2 days

Intro to Winter Mountaineering skills - 2 days  | Price: £250 pp | Duration: 2 days

Intro to Winter Mountaineering skills - 2 days

#Winter Climbing

This course is aimed at learning winter mountaineering skills on less serious terrain rather than completing mountaineering routes.

Scottish winter mountaineering bridges the gap between walking and climbing, opening up lots of interesting and exciting terrain. 

The course is suitable for those who already have winter walking experience, and are keen to progress to winter mountaineering. We look at ropework and mountaineering skills and techniques to safeguard your movement on steeper mountain terrain.

Over two days of training you'll learn theory and practise skills as we journey in the mountains using snow slopes and steep mountain ground to learn the skills in a controllable and safe environment. By the end of the training you'll have a good understanding of winter mountaineering and a clear pathway to becoming a safe mountaineer.

This course is aimed at learning the skills to become an independent winter mountaineer and runs at a 1:4 ratio. If you prefer a course aimed at climbing graded mountaineering and climbing routes please consider the 2 day mountaineering and climbing course which runs at a 1:2 ratio.

What's covered 

- Planning an appropriate mountaineering day
- What to wear and what to carry
- Advanced crampon and ice axe skills
- Route selection
- Using a rope, tying in and belaying
- Building belays, snow and rock anchors
- Abseiling and down-climbing
- Avalanche avoidance
- Winter navigation
- Problem solving

As this course is aimed at steeper ground, it's important you are already proficient in core winter skills (cramponing, ice axes, self arrests, winter navigation etc.) and ideally have undertaken summer rock scrambles. 

If you would prefer a private course on other dates, please get in touch.


Level > Moderate
Got questions?

Course Dates

2 days
£250 pp
Introduction to Scottish winter mountaineering skills 2 day course
Intro to Winter Mountaineering skills - 2 days