Warm conditions but a return to winter coming soon #winterskills #wintermountaineerng #winterclimbing #skitouring

26th February 2019

With limited snow cover, fresh flowers in the garden and the smell of Spring in the air it's easy to think winter's over. Well, it's not. As of this weekend it's turning cold again and we'll start to see snow accummulating once more on the mountains.

February has been a good but challenging month for delivering mountaineering courses.  Managing expectations, knowing the mountains well and having an experienced and creative mountaineering team has been key to ensuring we're offering the best training and experiences possible.

We've had over 100 people on our courses during February. Some enjoyed very wintry conditions, others much less so but either way they've enjoyed themselves and left with new skills and mcuh greater mountaineering knowledge.

The only courses we have availbility on are our winter skills and ski touring courses. If you fancy joining us before the season ends, please get in touch.

Let's hope for an 'easier' March! 

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Winter courses

Fun, varied and useful Our guide Johnny took us out on a cold and wintry but not very snowy day for winter skills training. We found patches of snow to practice self-belay and ice axe arrest, and learnt winter navigation skills, with flora and fauna pointed out along the way. The day was very much tailored to our group's needs and abilities so everyone was challenged but not pushed too far. Really fun, educational and useful for future winter walks.

Alice M, 01/02/2020
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